Monday, June 26, 2017

My Official Review of Wonder Woman (SPOILERS)

As one of our first official acts of summer two weeks ago, we went and saw the new Wonder Woman movie.  The Batman trilogy is pretty much the pinnacle of DC superhero movies and one of my favorite movie trilogies of all time, but I heard that this film was getting some serious buzz.  Did it live up to all the hype?  Um.....

Girl power! Okay, finally a female superhero gets her own movie, I get it.
Using an unknown actress for the lead definitely helped me concentrate on the movie itself
She had a really cool accent that I could not place the entire time
Chris Pine was in this movie!
Professor Lupin?!!  

Obviously a teenage boy wrote the first 20 minutes of this film
The gladiating outfits were just a little over the top for me.  Did they have to make her outfit stay so true to the original idea?  I was hoping for a new, clever interpretation.
Chris Pine was in this movie :(
DC movies in general take themselves way too seriously.
The screenwriter squandered some opportunities for true comedic moments.  The dialogue was boring.  
About 45 minutes too long. 
Were they fighting Nazis?  What war was this? Multiple villains, cats and dogs living together, it was mass hysteria!

In the end, this movie was just kind of "meh" for me.  I wanted to really like it, but I just couldn't buy the outfits and the idea of an island of overly gorgeous Amazon warriors.  I never thought I would actually be begging for the one-piece, zip up black tactical outfit a la Black Widow.  Besides, apparently women just want to be taken as seriously as men when it comes to superheroes, yet we get thigh boots and a strapless bustier as the clothing of choice that our heroine wears to climb out of a bullet riddled fox hole and attempt to save the day?  I enjoyed the seriousness of the Batman trilogy because the plot was fairly realistic, but that didn't work with this one.  This movie just needed to be more fun.  I guess that's a Marvel thing.  And as I now have the golden lasso of truth firmly wrapped around me, I cannot tell a lie, and I hereby give Wonder Woman 3 out of 5 invisible planes. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

this week.

This week all I did was play  Minecraft Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. on Wednesday I went to a pool with the Fallaw's. on Friday I went to the beach with the Fallaw's and the Adam's.  I give it a 7 out of 10 because I kicked a seashell and cut my foot.  -- Luke.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Apples to Oranges

I have been hounding my oldest brother Dave to do some kind of race/activity/training/adventure with me. 

 I mean, Brian and I did a Ragnar...

Chris and I did a triathlon....

So what were Dave and I going to do?  But after this morning, it hit me.  THIS is our thing:

Orange Theory.  This makes 3 times we have done this together and he doesn't even live here!  So despite his knee surgery and a heart rate that goes DOWN with rowing (seriously, what the heck, Dave?), here we are, killing it in class together, yet again 💪  

Friday, June 23, 2017

MY Day

So while Jacob was doing all that baking (which was definitely a surprise to come home to, I have to say), the kids and I went with friends to the beach.  Pass-a-grille Beach, to be exact and it is our new go-to beach.  It's close, it's not crowded, the water and sand are amazing, and most importantly, the parking fees cut down on the riff-raff.  And don't listen to anything Jacob says about the beach.  He's part Grumpy Cat and it clouds his judgement.

A few weeks ago my parents bought the kids some boogie boards and we haven't had a good chance to try them out on some real waves yet, but for some reason today the gulf was hopping!  The waves were awesome enough to ride but small enough to not kill us.  Always a plus!  Cindy and I paddled out and rode waves for probably two hours and I don't think Cindy ever even stopped for lunch the entire day.  There were a few magical waves that Cindy and I rode side by side that seemed to last forever.  And as if that was not magical enough, we also saw dolphins.  Several times we spotted them out in the water and one time they even jumped in the water, just like at Sea World.  I didn't have my camera at that moment, but it pretty much looked exactly like this:  

And would you also believe that I did not get sunburned one bit??!!  Not at all, not even a little!  It's pretty much the first time ever in my life that I have accomplished this feat.  See, Jacob?  Dolphins, big waves, massive amounts of sunscreen- the beach is magic.  Maybe next time... 


My Day (Jacob)

No doubt you will see a blog post from Jessica talking all about her beach trip with the kids and their friends, but the beach isn't for me. I know, I live in the wrong state to hate the beach, but I just don't care for long drives in swimsuits, sunburn, sand, disgusting salty water, with weird critters in it and birds that attack. So, what did I do with my time at the house? Bake.

I don't know what came over me and I really don't need the carbs, but I saw this really good looking carrot cake recipe I had to try (which doesn't look good, but tastes amazing). Chocolate chip cookies, 3 varieties; plain, with nuts and nuts with coconut, and toffee.

I have no idea who's going to eat all this. The kids don't like nuts, Luke hates coconut and Jessica will not want all the sugar.

So, if you are in the area. Stop by. Really!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Will this rain ever end? I drought it.

This is pretty much the radar around here every. single. day.  In fact, I heard our local weatherbabe say the other day that our massive drought has basically been eradicated by the amount of rain we have received in the last two weeks alone.  

It's raining so much, in fact, that the other day I saw these guys....

But you know what else is good about the rain besides cats huddling together under umbrellas waiting for a giant wooden boat to rescue them?  Rainbows!  (And I'm pretty sure this photo is 100% accurate in depicting the rare value of the Caffeine Free Diet Fountain Coke inside this magical place. Don't ever leave me, RaceTrac.)


Monday, June 19, 2017

The Legend of the Cruffin

Today I woke up at 7:00 and got in line to get the legendary cruffin! My teacher told me about cruffins they are a mix of a croissant and muffin and ever since that day I have wanted to try one! However the line was very long and even though we got there early the line was down the street. Lucky for us they had containers full of them! We got lots of them and they were delicious!                                                        ---Cindy