Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

It feels weird to say, but this holiday weekend is actually one of my favorite holidays of the entire year. Probably because it involves three of my favorite smells in the world: cut grass, something cooking on a grill and sunscreen :) So have a great weekend in hopefully what is some incredibly warm and sunny weather. All you Utah people might have to work a little harder at that than the rest of us. And before I forget, here is:

A Cindy Quickie

When the whole "end of the world/rapture" thing was happening last weekend, I was explaining it all to Cindy. I told her that there were certain people in a certain church that thought the world was going to end on Saturday at 6pm. She was absolutely flabbergasted by this news. Finally she said, "Well, those people are making a terrible hypothesis!" That they were, Dr. Sweeney.

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