Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Like Netflix for Clothes

I can stands what I can stands, and I can't stands NO MORE!!! So I did it. I finally did it. I completely confiscated ALL of Cindy's clothes. I just couldn't take it anymore! Take what, you may ask? Oh, just the gargantuan piles of clothes that were stuffed under the bed. The piles of clean, folded clothes that were filling up the laundry basket. Not being able to find two socks that match in the entire house, despite owning over 100,000 of them. The constant changing of outfits that is equaled only by someone hosting the Academy Awards. The constant wearing of the exact same disgustingly dirty outfit day after day after day and sometimes even out in public- OH THE HUMANITY! I could go on, but I will spare you. So here is my solution: I have switched Cindy to the Netflix clothing plan. She is currently on the "one out a time" option. Which means that I have all her clothes and in order to get new clothes, she must return to me the clothes she was previously wearing. Then we can decide if they are dirty (in which they are banished to her laundry bucket and not to be worn again until they are washed), or they are returned to me where I keep them until I release them to her after a grueling background check and quick sample of her DNA. And just where did I put all of her clothes in order to have them in my possession? They are hanging in my closet in this handy dandy contraption:

So now she has a lovely six-drawer dresser that is completely empty. And I have a super smug look on my face for being completely brilliant :)


  1. You ARE brilliant. I might have to give it a try.

  2. ahem that was actually me...Molly but I am signed into Chris's account but I thought you would the pic so I left it :)

  3. That's awesome!!! I think Nathan needs to do that for me, but Shhhh... don't tell him I said that ha ha.

  4. I so need to do this for Maggie.. Her and Cindy must be trading secrets in class on Sunday for I could finish every sentence you wrote!
