Thursday, May 26, 2011

Guess who's pregnant!

Doesn't that furry little face just scream "I LOVE my owners!!"? Hey, we rescued this cat from a life of certain and eminent death. A little hamming it up for my blog is the least she can do, alright?

So yes, we are gonna have little CuCuFaces running around :) Your guess is as good as mine as to who the father is, but based on the cavalcade of suitors I have seen in my yard over the past month, I would have to guess that the kittens will either be a mixed grey tiger stripe, orange tiger stripe or be half squirrel. I have posted new poll widgets so we can all vote on this incredibly important matter. Too bad we can't just put her on Maury Povich. But I guess we will know within a few weeks anyways. Mazel Tov!

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