Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Top Ten for Your Viewing Pleasure

I know I have already done a post about the ridiculous names of prescription drugs out there- so consider this Part II of that post...

Top Ten Rejected Names for Prescription Drugs

10. Vomitrex (for nausea)
9. Baldycare (for hair loss)
8. Fatsodryn (for weight loss)
7. Bowelair (for backed up plumbing, shall we say)
6. Voodoodryl (for revenge)
5. Happystat (antidepressant)
4. Puffacor (to stop smoking)
3. Overactivia (for ADHD)
2. Skelator (for osteoperosis, repelling Marc Anthony, or killling He-man's arch enemy)
1. Supercillin (for everything!!)

Christina, I hope you enjoyed this one. See if you can't get Merck to pick up some of these, will ya?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I know this is six months late, but is that quote in your profile from Singing in the Rain? (I really want my 2009 dollar)
