Saturday, January 17, 2009


Quick story that made me laugh...

This Christmas my Mom gave my neice, Ana, the play kitchen that was at my mom's house in their extra bedroom. Consequently, when Cindy went to my Mom's house after she had given it away, Cindy was totally confused where it had gone and asked my mom what had happened to the kitchen. Fearing that somehow Cindy might tell Ana where the kitchen really came from, my Mom decided to tell Cindy that she had given the kitchen to the "Christmas Elves" and didn't know what they had done with it. Cindy apparently took that story, hook, line and sinker, because today when we went to Ana's house for Sadie's (her sister's) birthday party, Cindy saw the kitchen in Ana's room and when she saw it she loudly exclaimed, quite surprised, "Oh my goodness, I need to tell Grandma Bingham!!!! She said she the elves had her kitchen and she didn't know where it went, but it is RIGHT HERE!!!" I think it's the fact that she is so serious when she says these kinds of things that makes it so funny. Definitely one for her journal. :)

PS> Cute pics from the birthday party coming soon. 7 little girls at the nail salon: Priceless!

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