Friday, January 16, 2009

30 Rocks!

Or at least that is what I have been trying to convince myself of lately. With my milestone birthday looming over me, I was thinking of a way to embrace this upcoming event rather than dread it. And luckily for everyone out there reading this blog, I thought of something! (You lucky blog readers, you!) Over the last three weeks or so I have been compiling a list, a list I have lovingly entitled "30 Things I have Never Done Before, But Want To Try."
I am sure you may have seen lists like this before, usually they involve the mentioning of skydiving (why is it ALWAYS skydiving??), bungee jumping, leaving the country, eating some exotic food like squid or caviar, getting a tattoo and things of this nature. Well, my list is a lot simpler than that. Reason one being I simply don't have the funds to bankroll activities such as those and reason two being that I did qualify my 30 things by saying I want to try them. (I don't want to skydive, bungee jump, eat nasty food or get inked- sorry to disappoint you). So over the course of the year I will be documenting each of my 30 new experiences right here on my blog as I check them off my list. (I feel like Earl Hickey right now...) I am not going to disclose what they are- it has to be a surprise. Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I can tell you that these experiences are both big and small, exciting and boring and you just never know what I am going to do next. Currently I have about 17 things on the list and will be, of course, adding more. I must admit that just having this list and adding things to it has been a nice source of excitement for me- and since I will not allow myself to do any of these things before my birthday (well, I might cheat on the first one) I am totally excited for January 31 to get here so that all this list-crossing-off action can begin! Wow, this list must be magic because I actually just said I am looking forward to my 30th birthday. I think I need to make more lists!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!!! Can't wait to see all 30 of your exciting, wonderful new experiences!
