Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pardon The Interruption, but....

TODAY IS MY 100TH BLOG POST! Yahoo!! Hopefully all of your gifts celebrating this momentus occasion will get here in time. However, while I wait for those to arrive, Jacob and I have been working on something special for both of my readers. Therefore, in keeping with my 25 Days of Christmas theme, I give you the gift of (hopefully) laughter and utter silliness. (See?! Even old white haired ladies read the blog AND celebrate with me. I love being an internet celebrity!)

Oh, and ***very important*** Please comment on the post and tell me your favorite number on this list. Oh, okay, your favorite two or three- if you must. Or randomly pick one if you don't like a dang thing on there- just humor me, people! It's a friendly competition between Jacob and I :)


1. Top 1000 posts I hope you never see on my blog
2. I’m pregnant!
3. The day I learned Richard Simmons is my real father
4. Why we’re selling our house and moving to Honduras
5. How we know that Cindy actually hates Disney Princesses
6. So Jacob fell in the septic tank the other day…
7. My secret trip to Regis Philbin’s boyhood home
8. The Utes win again!
9. The Amazing dedication of Jacob’s Soccer team
10. I can’t believe I said “urinal“ from the pulpit
11. Twilight books? I read them all!
12. Welfare Fraud for dummies
13. Check out the latest tattoo
14. The Most Amazing Recipe for Sangria
15. “He’s dead, Jim.”
16. I love Tax Season!
17. So I have decided to pick up metallurgy as a hobby
18. The media provides very fair coverage- and I can prove it
19. Announcing the new name of my blog: Nacho Blogre
20. My time at Star Trek Convention 2009
21. A photo tour of our new bomb shelter
22. Our tree fell over!
23. My 22 hours in the ER
24. Never mind, I now love talking on the phone!
25. My vine is………dead
26. “More Please”
27. ‘Pimped’ my ride, now I have 22’s
28. Cindy’s first date
29. I am so excited about the Britney Spears concert!
30. Snakes are actually sooo cute!
31. Luke’s favorite Ballerina
32. The Big Foot Convention was such a let down
33. Giving up chocolate was the best thing I ever did
34. Yoshi’s Pregnant!
35. Joe the Plumber's pregnant!
36. Turns out that Prison is not too bad!
37. I’m really regretting not voting Democrat
38. My weekly recap of Dancing with the Stars
39. The young women are plotting to kill me!
40. If I could live anywhere, it would be the Pepperidge Farm
41. Eat, Sleep, Karaoke
42. A homeless man was living in my shed!
43. I think I want to manage apartments for a living
44. The time machine I bought on craigslist
45. Does anyone know how to kill a live chicken?
46. I’m going back to school- Clown School!
47. Sold the Honda, got the collectible poodle plate
48. My carbon footprint is just too big
49. I need a small loan to pay my bookie
50. Rosie’s new show? LOVE IT!
51. So I guess the cat has been peeing in the garden
52. I finished my screenplay, “American Wookie”
53. Online shopping sucks compared to actual shopping
54. Where my American Idol audition went wrong
55. How Rosa disappeared, but then reappeared in the top hat in my closet
56. Apparently top ten lists give me a rash
57. I had a feeling my parachute wasn’t going to open…
58. Introducing our New family restaurant, “Squidruckers”
59. The day Cindy stole the truck
60. Bagged my first 5 point buck!
61. I’ve joined the Navy!
62. Oh, Cable I have missed you!
63. I can’t think of anything to blog about
64. Rabbits can chew through concrete- who knew?
65. I’ll do anything for tickets to the Oprah show
66. Christmas: Out Festivus: In
67. The easiest pipe bomb you’ll ever make
68. The UPS guy is actually the UPS Girl
69. Please let Cindy get accepted to the U, please….
70. Only 4 more years til Jacob’s a dentist!
71. I’m giving up Facebook forever!
72. If it’s not Plavix, Crestor, Caduet or Singulair- what is right for me?
73. Warning: Never play tag with the kids near the freeway
74. I have such a sense of community
75. Not a lot of perks to being a hermit
76. One way streets really do mean one way
77. “Una Paloma Blanca” is my new favorite song- hands down
78. I’m calling ITT Tech today
79. Should I get harpsichord lessons or piccolo lessons?
80. My phone call from jail
81. Peter Faulk came by- AGAIN
82. My new gay neighbors
83. I played World of Warcraft for 27 hours: no effect
84. Moving back to Utah!
85. I’m kinda starting to like DJing dances
86. Chapter 11 is no big deal
87. 20 pounds of cake mix makes one BIG cake!
88. I love the BCS
89. My secret life as a Canadian census taker
90. The Office has jumped the shark!
91. Apparently Choctaw is a completely fake Indian tribe
92. The Simpsons entering its 35th season??!!
93. Jacob’s first week as a general authority
94. Those new meat-flavored Skittles are terribly average
95. What I learned during my alien abduction last night
96. President Hilton picked a great cabinet
97. Hawaii- you’ve seen the last of me!
98. Just because you can steal your neighbor’s electricity, doesn’t mean you should
99. Why we’re leaving all our money to the cricket living under the workbench
100. The new Star Trek movie is Lame!


  1. Jess there are alot of good ones on here, but number 11 made me cry. :( Why oh why did twilight make the bad list!!! WHYYYYYY

  2. I was laughing pretty much the whole time...and Lissa kept asking, "Why, Mommy, WHY are you being so silly?" My votes are for 3, 21, and 86--at least, I think those are the right numbers...
    :) By the way, just to post a comment, I had to type the word "reakies" at the bottom of the screen. Just FYI.
