Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Strange World of Bingham Family Ornaments

Day #3-
(Some of my readers are requesting my posts be placed first thing in the morning, I will do my best to comply. I don't want to upset my throng of fans.)

Ornament Spotlight Time!
So as I was sort of helping my mom and dad decorate the Christmas tree while at their house for Thanksgiving, I remembered some of the more “classic” Bingham family ornaments that are on that tree. Let me share one with you now (As I light my pipe and adjust my ascot...)

As you can see, there are actually two ornaments here that go together. It is supposed to be two kittens, one with a decorated cookie and one with a giant tube of red frosting- thus, you put them in proximity of one another and they look like they are making a cute little Christmas cookie together. However, ever since I can remember, my dad sees this ornament and always asks, “Why do we have a cat holding a bloody syringe on the Christmas tree? That makes no sense.” To which my Mom inevitably replies, “Miiiiike! That is not a bloody syringe! Ewwww!, That is frosting!” Dad just loves to torment her :) -another family tradition. But I must say that he has a point, I mean, it does have a slight creepiness factor- Hallmark or not, especially when the kitten with the cookie is no where in sight.

Tune in tomorrow where I show the worst picture of my brother Brian you ever saw. Yes, it is on the Christmas tree and yes, he would die if he knew I was showing it to everyone. Sucks to be in Spain, bro...

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