Monday, October 6, 2008

Where is the prophet Daniel when I need him?

As if I didn't need further proof that the triathlon is causing me a little bit of stress, I have been having pre-race dreams that are really messing with my head. Two of them are as follows:

Dream 1- I am at the race and I am running. I am hot, sweaty, and I am ready for it to be over. Then to my horror, I get done with the race only to realize that the run I had just completed was for me to get to the starting line, and everyone else was already there waiting for me so they could start the darn thing. Not cool.

Dream 2- I am woken up out of bed very early in the morning and told the triathlon is starting RIGHT NOW! So I am trying to get dressed as fast as I can and am realizing that I never did quite decide what I was going to wear to the race...Hmmm, let's see, should I wear the BYU t-shirt, tutu, church dress or what? So many options.

Needless to say, one other benefit of the race finally being finished this Saturday (yes, I did just say THIS Saturday...) is that I can rest peacefully once again, hopefully.

And just what am I really wearing to the race? Since I match my clothes by material thickness (to borrow a line from my brother, Dave) I will be totally stylin' in my orange and white running shoes, my purple helmet, my turquoise under armour and my newly purchased cyling shorts- still in transit off of eBay. Here is what they look like, and depending on what they actually look like on me, I might just be wearing a church dress that day afterall!


  1. If you don't include video clips of you in this thing I'm going to be really mad!

  2. Yes, I think Dave did have something on like this JUST LAST NIGHT!!! But, he had a pink helmet.
