Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's a Worship Song without Air Guitar?

This past Friday the parents of the kids at Preschool were invited to see the kids perform a few songs they had been working on. It was, after all, Johnny Appleseed's birthday- so we heard a few songs about apples, apple trees, applesauce, you get the idea. But as the grand finale we heard the "worship song" they were working on. Here is a video of it. You can see Cindy in the front and her glances over at me. She was apparently not happy with me "laughing at her" (which I was not, I just enjoyed seeing all the kids singing). She even completely berated me after they were done. Anyway, gotta love Kids Bop- Christian Style! And doesn't the air guitar just make the song? It did for me.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, this was a creepy brainwashing sort of way.
