Friday, November 3, 2017

Halloween Everything 2017

Halloween definitely seems to be the holiday around here that just keeps on giving.  This year it started early with me giving in to the kids constant requests to carve a pumpkin.  Cindy carved her Superman pumpkin weeks ago, so Luke had to get in on the action.  Cindy was a champ and helped Luke with most all of the legwork and some of the knifework as well.  Turned out pretty well, Barry Allen.

Next up was the Bartow Halloween Parade, one of our family's most time-honored traditions.  This time Luke decided to wear his costume.  For the longest time leading up to Halloween, he wanted to be Black Panther from the Avengers. I was adamantly against it.  BOR-ING!  It was basically just a black costume with a mask that might kinda tell you who he was.  Thankfully, in a twist of fate, I rented Spiderman: Homecoming last weekend and Luke changed his mind soon after. My spidey senses told me I had dodged a huge bullet.

Yes, those are real muscles. Grandma checked.

This is the literally the best picture we could get of everyone.  Ridiculous.  

Cindy did not have a bag to collect any candy she could get her hands on, so she turned her hoodie around backwards and used it as some sort of low level food trough.  

Take the picture so I can hurry up and murder you.

Fun fact: Spiderman is afraid of clowns and will use his mother as a human shield when he sees one coming.
Please don't see me, Please don't see me...

And now the winner of "The Float That Didn't Quite Turn Out the Way You Envisioned" Award...

It's Winnie the Pooh falling in a beehive. Duh.  

The next day was Fall Festival at the church.  And here is how I felt about that....

Whoo-hoo!  Cindy did a group costume.  Alvin and Chipmunks with Charlotte and Maddie....

I went as a strawberry.  I knew Carmen Stanley would be expecting a fruit costume and I didn't want to let her down.

Pay no attention to Luke's crazy eyes.

Halloween day was actually kind of exciting for me this year.  I decided to participate in the school's teacher dress up day.  We had to be a book character.  So........ Behold! The Magic Tree House!

 I was pretty proud of this little costume!  It didn't take me too long and the kids seemed to really enjoy it.  Yes, I did wear this in car line and during lunch duty.  No, I could not really open doors or Gogurts.  Yes, I was amazing. 

Halloween night we went to our friend's, The Baileys, house as we usually do.  It's such a fun tradition.  I look forward to it every year :) 

This year's crew

My crew

The best part is always the house that gives out full size bars.  Spiderman went with the 3 Musketeers.  Hershey bars were not available this year apparently.

Finally! Something worth stealing from Luke.

And the second best part is returning to the Bailey's to pig out on candy and watch someone play Xbox while Cindy and her friends go around the neighborhood for a second time.

And another Halloween is in the books!  I gotta start thinking of a costume for Luke now.  We can't let a Black Panther situation happen again next year...

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