Friday, October 20, 2017

Super Girl

My girl Cindy has been up to a few things herself.

Like career shadowing on a citrus farm and taking chicken selfies...

Training her cat...

Training is serious business

Helping dad out at soccer tryouts because Cindy actually now attends the high school where he coaches.... I don't have a picture for that, but just let that last sentence sink in for minute because Cindy was THREE when Jacob started coaching at McKeel.  Wait, I found a picture...

Oh my gosh I'm old.

Making awesome grades in school (with ZERO involvement from me)...
Catching the bus every single morning by herself since the first day of school without any incident....
Selling 35 hideously overpriced cheesecakes for her chorus fundraiser...

This is basically my face being all proud of Cindy

And finally she's been celebrating Halloween on her own terms.  With her own pumpkin, that she bought with her own money....

(She only let me take her picture because I drove her to the pumpkin patch.  I love the barter system we have going.  And the fact that she can't go anywhere without my help.)

And then she proceeds to do this with the pumpkin while she was home alone on a Saturday night...

The moral of the story is:  Never underestimate Cindy.  One minute she doesn't understand how to fold a blanket a or use a hanger and the next she's carving a pumpkin like like she's a Disney Imagineer.  Cindy is like an onion.  So many layers.  And sometimes she makes you cry.

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