Friday, February 10, 2017

Second Time Around

Wednesday night was our annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby.  Last year Luke took 1st place overall, so I know he was feeling the pressure to compete for another win this time around.  Everything was going just fine until the day before when we weighed his car.  Sadly, it was over the weight limit by .4 ounces.  Without a lot of good options on how to trim it down, drastic measures were taken and the car that Luke had painstakingly sanded, stained, and then burned the logo from The Flash into with a soldering iron, was now Swiss cheese.  Luke shed a tear or two, but this is Derby.  Make weight or don't race.  So he re-sanded, re-stained and re-burned the designs into his car like a champ.  (Like a Luke!)  I had no idea what to expect going into the race, but two happy boys came out second place winners on the other side.  Way to go, guys!  Now I have to go to districts.  **Sigh......


And now, for your reading pleasure....


10. Taylor Swiss
9. (Here he comes, here comes) Cheeseracer
8. The Shredder
7. Vroom vroom de fromage
6. Holey Moley
5. Mousebait, Oooh ha ha!
4. Alexander the Grate
3. Track 'n Cheese
2. Sargento's Revenge
1. Reuben

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