Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

While you wait for my epic Ragnar post, I will appease you with some Halloween pictures:

Stars of the screen, Katniss and Ant Man

Cindy's friend Charlotte (who is also Cindy's personal hairstylist, specializing in the Katniss braid) made my year by choosing this costume for Fall Festival:

#leftshark does what she wants

I decided to go with the ol' pineapple costume.  I mean, sure, there were probably going to be a hundred other pineapples, but I couldn't pass up the chance to prove that I am a fan of delicious flavor. 

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

We attended the Bartow Halloween parade once again this year.  And let me tell you, when I ask a group of kids to face forward and take a picture, they listen.  

And this photo sums up my entire life as a substitute teacher

Those crazy girls

Those goofy boys

And finally tonight we went trick or treating with a small group in Susie's neighborhood.  The half mile loop RULES!

Ant Man is kind of a loner

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