Tuesday, April 28, 2015

That time we went and saw snow...

Cindy and Luke's bucket list of things to do while we were in Utah included going to see snow. Because of time and distance we didn't have a ton of great options for frolicking in wide open spaces of fluffy white powder, so we basically had time to drive up American Fork Canyon and out to this place- Tibble Fork Something or other- and see some icy, half dirty "snow." Not that my kids had any idea of the difference, of course.  It was a gorgeous place and my camera doesn't even come close to really capturing the beauty of it all.  

Funny story about this trip:  Robert, Jacob, Cindy and Robert's four kids all went ahead in their van.  Me, Brooke and Addie came behind them in a separate car by about 30 minutes.  When we arrived at the canyon we saw their van, but could not see them anywhere, so Brooke decided to double check to see that the van we saw was really theirs.  As she approached the van she heard a noise and discovered James, her two year old son, inside the locked van, crying. 
The guys had left him in the van by accident :(  It was not their proudest moment.  James was no worse for the wear, however, and soon was liberated from the car and happy as the other kiddos.

We found the "snow"

But first, rock throwing into the lake

Harder than it looked!

Luke had no idea that snow angels are not supposed to feel like "rock angels"

We lived to tell the tale!

Cousins, attack!

Next time we will not torture Sean and Tara with this excuse for snow, but will actually head up to Snowbird or Alta for some REAL pow-pow.  Isn't that what all the cool kids are calling it these days?

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