Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Oh, Oh, Oh, It's Magic! You Know....

This little family adventure took place about three weeks ago, but look at me- just now blogging it out!
Because Cindy and Luke played basketball in a youth league sponsored in part by the Orlando Magic, we were able to buy the absolute highest seats in the entire Away Arena and see the Magic 
take on the New Orleans Ants.  I mean, Pelicans.  

My parents came too, but I didn't even take one single picture of them.

Okay, so I couldn't actually name one single player that even played for the Magic, 
But guess who plays for the Pelicans!!!!


Yes, that is the Jimmer.  And yes, he did crack corn.  
And he cracked the 10 minute mark for playing time.  Boo-yah!

Know who else plays for New Orleans?


That one was for you, Brian.  

And here we are "enjoying" the game.

Quick, name the Orlando Magic mascot!  
No, it is not Harry Potter.  It is this:

"Stuff" the Magic Dragon

Holy crap, that actually makes perfect sense- he is a dragon and he is for The Magic!!!!
And Stuff rhymes with Puff!
My mind is totally blown right now. Marketing guy- give yourself a raise.

Other highlights of the game included:

1. When the jumbotron showed that country megastar Luke Bryan was there watching the game
2. When the Silver Stars 55+ co-ed dance team from the local "active adult community" danced to "All About that Bass" during a commercial break
3. When Luke didn't know anyone was watching him and was pretending to play the drums like Animal from the Muppets
4. And finally, when Jacob and I secretly ate Chick-fil-a cookies all the way home in the front seat, while the kids had no idea in the back.  Mu-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa!

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