Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Now It All Maketh Sense

So have you heard of or used the new Relative Finder website to find out what famous (LDS and otherwise) people you are related to?  I tried it out on Monday night and feasteth thine eyes on this!

William Shakespeare is my 11th Great Grandfather! 

Did you hear what I just typed?  

William Shakespeare is my 11th great grandfather.

Shut your mouth and slap your grandma, what?!

William Shakespeare is my 11th great grandfather!

No one seems as excited about this as me.  Sigh.  

AND, he was born and died (48 years later) on the exact same day.  April 23rd.

Luke's birthday.  

Seriously, this genealogical discovery is just about the most shocking thing I ever heard!!!  
Well, okay, that's not entirely true because we also typed in Jacob's information and now I'm thinking I may have married my cousin. Eww.  

Now we know where my crazy writing gene comes from!  Thanks, Grandpa Bill. 

Thou art welcome.  

****Other notable "cousins" I have include Elvis Presley, Emelia Earheart, Butch Cassidy, Abraham Lincoln, Philo T. Farnsworth, Marjorie Hinckley, Thomas B. Marsh, Brigham Young, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Mitt Romney, Thomas S. Monson and, unfortunately, Governor Boggs. Bummer.

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