Saturday, November 29, 2014

Turkey Trot and 17 Pounds of Food

Another year, another Thanksgiving day where my crazy dad agreed to come with me to my morning 5K.  I am not sure why he continues to wake up so early on a Holiday just to watch me slowly run around Lake Wales. I guess the promise of an egg McMuffin is just that powerful.  This year we were sans Luke, who opted to go with Jacob to our ward's Turkey Bowl.  But like last year, it was cold! I didn't have to run with gloves and a hat, however, I was wearing a shirt which made me able to be seen from space, so hopefully the guys on the ISS had their sunglasses on.  

I stole my pictures from the official race Facebook page and I have to say these pictures accurately capture my racing technique.  

Beast mode for the first 20 minutes....

...Almost dead by the finish line.

My official age group results are below:  

Pam needs to calm down and act like a normal ancient 38 year old

I was thrilled with my run!  To be honest, I have not run that close to 26 flat in about 3 years.  I guess running twice a week in the dark all summer is finally paying off. 

And after all that hard work, it was time to head over to Chris and Molly's house to get the caloric disaster underway!  These pants weren't going to tighten themselves....

After consuming about 7 pounds of appetizers (you know, the food before the food?), it was time to "muscle through" our dinner.  Honestly, I didn't find it too hard, I mean, the food was pretty fantastic.  And we were eating off chargers, people!  We're so fancy. You already know.  

Kids table was pretty fancy as well!

Okay, some of us had a harder time "muscling through" the meal than others, *cough*ChrisandMolly*cough*, in fact, Chris, as usual, got the meat sweats.  

Don't cry for him Argentina, he recovered just fine :)

The rest of the night was spent living this meme over and over and over...

Dory from Nemo  (5 second memory) meme

Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays around.  
Take time to think even more about how blessed you are?

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