Friday, November 21, 2014

Blog Post of A Doting Mom

Cindy got a leettle taste of the glory this week when she was part of a small panel discussion that reviewed the latest Diary of A Wimpy Kid book, and then was consequently featured in a newspaper article. 

Schooling the boys
We all love the Wimpy Kid books here in Sweeneyville.  Personally, this latest book is not my favorite, but it is still entertaining and worth the read.  And for the record, I am not sure I was on the same family vacation Cindy mentions at the end of the article...

You like how I hacked that article all up into a million pieces and different sizes for you using the Google snipping tool? Don't hate for me this, but I really think it's time I took it to the next level with my ability to do things sufficiently, but incorrectly.  In fact...

 PDF converters are a lie, Stephen!

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