Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

This morning Cindy told me that she had a great idea.  She could buy a book for Luke's birthday from the school Book Fair.  I thought that was a pretty good idea because Luke had been asking me all week for a certain book that I could never really remember the name of and Cindy would get the pleasure of giving something to her little brother to open on his birthday in two weeks. I swore Cindy to secrecy and gave her the 5 bucks.  She was thrilled about our secret little plan.  When the kids got in the car this afternoon after school, Luke was reading the book in question.  I looked at Cindy with a flabbergasted look on my face and then Cindy told me that every year they randomly choose several students at the school to receive "golden tickets" to go and pick out a free book from the Book Fair.  Guess whose name got called that afternoon :)  And guess who went to the Book Fair first thing that morning to buy her brother a book.  And so now Cindy doesn't get to surprise Luke with a birthday present and now I own two brand new copies of this:

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