Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Mom and Dad

I would like to issue a public apology to my parents for the slight panic that may have ensued last night when they received the almost-hysterical phone call from Cindy telling them that she and Luke were all alone because Jacob and I had mysteriously disappeared leaving them orphaned and vulnerable to an impending attack by a mass murderer.  Last night I went into the backyard to talk to Jacob as he monitored the pile of smoldering leaves from the day's earlier yard work.  That's it. We were standing in the backyard, poking at some leaves.  Cindy apparently called out our name inside the house and when we didn't answer within 5 seconds, it was obvious we were dead and she called my parents to come and save everyone.  My dad was playing the role of talking down the jumper, while my mom was perfecting her inner fireman by trying to get dressed and drive over to my house in 30 seconds or less.  When I told you that Cindy and Luke totally suck at looking for things, I was not kidding.  I'm so sorry padres.  Evidently we are not playing enough hide and seek around this place.  But at least it's good to know that Cindy can call for help in a fake emergency.   And even better to know that my parents really would be here in 30 seconds or less, regardless :)

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