Friday, March 28, 2014

Breakin' It Down

This week was Spring Break for us, so basically we have been out of touch with reality and completely enjoying a week where we get to sleep in for three extra hours every morning.  Blogging has taken a backseat for sure, but this is pretty much how the week went down:

SUNDAY:  After a hard days work at church, we began the week with making some homemade ice cream (in my new ice cream maker) and playing dominoes.  For the record, I beat Jacob in dominoes that night.  Not that that's a big deal because it pretty much happens ALL THE TIME, but you know, I just want to make sure that I mention it.  Just for posterity.  And so everyone will know that it happened.  

I made the ice cream with Almond milk and yellow cake mix.  Two thumbs up!

MONDAY:  Swimming at the pool.  The forecast called for a 70% chance of rain, but we were protected by some sort of magical force field and enjoyed three hours without a drop.

TUESDAY:  We got a piano!  And so it's been pretty much nothing but Heart and Soul for four days.  Non-stop.  Every fifteen minutes.  I am not sure where the final home of the piano is going to be.  For now it is in the front living room and it makes our house look even smaller than it already is.  (Is that even possible?)  Cindy will start piano lessons again soon.  I have started praying for whoever her teacher is going to be, because Cindy has already had a few meltdowns that she can't play the piano like the Sixth Brown yet.  Well, it has been four days....

WEDNESDAY:  A cold front came in the night before so the high that day was 66.  And how did we escape the frigid temps?  By going ice skating in a building that is kept at a solid 47 degrees!!! This outing was for Cindy's birthday and courtesy of a sweet deal I got on Groupon.  The kids and their friends had a lot of fun.  Those metal walker things helped them a TON and saved me from tearing my rotator cuff.  

***I don't have a picture, but this was also the day Jacob got his new Xbox One.*** 
And now we talk to our TV and it does what we say :)

THURSDAY:  I had to work, but I swear I had a visit from Grumpy Cat herself that morning! I wasn't wearing my glasses, but even when I told Cindy to come look out the window, she said, "Grumpy Cat!!!!"  so I am pretty sure it was her.  

FRIDAY:  Luke had a birthday party to attend, so while he went there, Cindy and I hit the Ft. Fraser trail to try out these bad boys:

She was on her bike and came along mostly for moral support, but after about 30 minutes I felt confident enough to ditch her at Grandma's and go for a seven mile jaunt. These skates are amazing! I highly recommend the K2 brand.  A little more expensive, but well worth it.   

And tomorrow we are heading here:

Fort Lauderdale Florida Mormon Temple

My kids have visited about 17 temples on the outside, but for the first time they will actually get to see the inside.  Ft. Lauderdale here we come!

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