Monday, February 24, 2014

56 Reasons Luke Has a Black Belt in Sleep Fu

His training started young...

Soon he was mastering all the right moves. Like, The King

The Bucket

The Ninja

Ninja part 2

The Jack Be Nimble

The Dream Everyone Can See

The Overhang

The Wakeboard

The Footrest Flop

Dolphin Pose

The Cat Napper

The Little Engine that Couldn't Make It To Bed

The Double Fisted Golf Ball Creep

The Hug Across America

The Napoleon

The Most Interesting Sleeper in the World

The Blackmail

The Belly Dancer

The Fashionista

The Pencil

The Pilot

The Pillow Shun

The Manly Man

Reclined Hero Pose

The Darth

The Pineapple Upside Down Cake

The Jedi

The Hammer

The Letter C

The Tiger

The Plank

The Downward Doggone Tired

Mommy's Little Stark

The Artist

The Dreamer

The Tent

The Chihuahua

The Teacher

The Bookworm

The Hurdle

The Cricket

The Taco

The Dismount

The Skydive

The Iron Cross

Gravity's Revenge

The Walrus

The Brown Bear, Brown Bear, How Do You Sleep?

The Fainting Hiker

The Skywalker

The Napman and Robin

The Star Jump

The Don't Take My Melty Beads out of My Hand Because I am Totally Watching You

The Triple Combination

The Ninja, part 3

Now that you have seen the skills of my son, here are 30 Cats with Sleep Fu skills of their own. Thanks to Davina for the link.


  1. Awesome. Luke is so talented!

  2. I'm not sure which is funnier, your son or the titles to each pose. I think you definitely have more blackmail images than just the headband one.
