Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let the Wild Rumpus Start

Thanks to my good friend Karin for reminding me that yesterday was the official start of my birthday week celebration!  And then I realized that it has started out quite fantastic. Yesterday at work our office manager bought everyone lunch for my birthday. Score! Then I pretty much had to go to CiCi's pizza last night to carbo-load for my 8K. (And I got to eat my favorite white trash dessert- Bavarian dessert pizza.  Mmmmm.) And that was the totally right thing to do because I placed first this morning in my age group for the 8K. Ta-da!

And tomorrow is Stake Conference so I don't have to find 7 substitutes for primary! I simply get to go to two hours of church followed by my birthday dinner at my parent's house.  That may be the best present of all! ;)

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