Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bad News: Gut-wrenching agony, Good News: Cindy Quickies

I need to blog. I know. To be honest, I waited all week because this post was supposed to be about Jacob's soccer team winning the district title last night.  Unfortunately, it isn't. And I am not sure I can ever really blog about that.  Not at least until I finish a few months of therapy.  Because losing after two overtimes and a penalty kick shootout is about as painful as one can imagine.  No, strike that.  It's worse.  And I'm not even on the team! It's difficult to even type this, so I am going to move on to some Cindy Quickies and change the subject.  Because coping by avoidance is what I do best :)

Cindy Quickies

While we were out running our Saturday errands today, I remembered that I wanted to tell the kids that TODAY was the day we needed to start picking out our clothes for Sunday.  I feel like we have been doing horrible in the "getting ready in a timely manner for Church department" lately, so I said, "I need to tell you about something we need to do today. Okay, I know this is going to sound totally weird, but you kids need to pick out your clothes TODAY for what you are going to wear to church tomorrow."  Cindy looked confused and said, "Oh, when you said that it was something totally weird I thought you were going to say something like 'we need to jump rope with all the dental floss we have' or something like that."  I should preface everything I say with that phrase.  It would make Cindy's life more exciting, I think.

Today Cindy was asking me about the Winter Olympics.  It went something like this:

Cindy: What kind of things do they do? Do they do figure skating?
Me: Yes.
Cindy: Do they do skiing?
Me: Yep.
Cindy: Snowball fights?
Me: No, but holy crap that would be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I love that your their ideas are always so brilliant and so funny!
