Sunday, December 1, 2013

Turkey Day 2013

So how did we spend Thanksgiving this year?  I decided it was time to return to my grand old tradition of dragging my children and my dad out of bed at the crack of dawn to witness the glory that is me running a 5K.  And bonus, this year it was 38 degrees outside!  I mean, who can even resist that?

Here I am at the starting line acting completely normal.....

Here is the second worst picture of me ever taken.  Remember that picture of me ice skating on the cruise ship?  Meet its little brother.  Oy!

And what I did I get for all my efforts?  A sweet plaque. I came in third for my age group.  Which makes two races in a row and proves I only have one speed :)

As the meanest mom in the world, I also made my children run the kids race.  Which was only about a hundred yards and yet my children were convinced they were being asked to run the entire Mormon Trail.

But they ran strong and got ribbons.  Go team!

Then we headed to my mom's house and stuffed our faces all day long. I mean, I ran a 5K so that totally gives me license to eat 6,000 calories. We also played some games, watched some football, took a nap, and were literally in pain trying to eat our dessert at the end of the night because we were so full from eating all day.  I don't think Thanksgiving gets any better than that.

By the way, I went and got my hair did.  WAY more blonde than I was expecting, but at least this way everyone will know I am having a mid-life crisis and I won't have to announce it over and over again.

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