Saturday, November 23, 2013

So about that 10K...

It went great! Despite the fact that my iPod betrayed me and did not sync my carefully chosen 10K playlist, there were still bright spots.  In a great stroke of luck the weather was overcast and drizzling that morning, so I did not pass out and have my dead carcass sizzling in the sun on the side of the road near the public library.  Looking back I am not sure how I managed to run for 57 minutes without stopping.  It's almost like me saying I built my own nuclear reactor and split an atom last weekend. It still amazes me.  I even ended up winning a trophy for third place in my age group!  And winning a trophy when you are 34 is kind of a cool thing.  Next up is a Thanksgiving morning 5k out in Lake Wales.  3.1 miles?  It's barely worth getting up for!  


  1. Way to go!! Glad you got a pic of you finishing :)

  2. Wow, you are about to hit a new age group as the youngin. ;-)
