Monday, November 18, 2013

My Number is 12

So there is a Facebook trend going around right now where people list a number of items that people don't know about them. Sometimes I find things like this cliche but most of the time it's quite fascinating.  A friend asked me the other night what I would put on my list. Well, here you go...

1. I am actually quite vain.  I own about six different wrinkle creams and I can't stand my gray hairs.
2. I have the loudest clap in the world. Seriously.
3. I desperately want to write and publish at least one children's book before I die.
4. I hate eating fast food twice in one day.
5. I get up at 5:05 every morning with Jacob and make him breakfast.
6. I am a huge Rush Limbaugh fan- have been since 8th grade- and I try to listen to him whenever I can.
7.  I have almost 150 items saved in my Amazon shopping account right now.
8.  I was one of the people who ordered something from during their big electronics Internet glitch last week. And they let me keep it!
9.  I know all the lyrics to thousands of songs.  It is what I notice first about any song.
10. I cried at Luke's ultrasound.  I was terrified because I didn't know what to do with a boy.
11. Growing up I always wanted to be a hotel manager.
12. I was the lead singer for my elementary school Pride team.  We toured schools and taught kids about saying no to drugs.  I sang about 5 different songs by myself.

Be honest, you didn't know any of that.  And if you did, are you stalking me?

1 comment:

  1. You cried? When I found out I was having a girl, I was dumbfounded. I didn't cry though. I still don't know what I'm doing. Boys are easy. They are rather primal. ;-) It only gets better too. You haven't even made it to scouting age yet.
