Friday, October 11, 2013

Park Place

Yesterday evening while I was at a park and waiting for my mom to meet me there to go walking, an older man came to walk his dog.  He started talking to me and pretty much ended up telling me his life story.  It came out that I was Mormon and that he, while living all over the world, had missionaries in every country knock on his door.  He was a pleasant man and I talked to him for about 20 minutes.  As my mom and I were getting up to go start our walk, I shook his hand and told him it was nice to meet him.  He said, "Nice to meet you too.  And you're a very pretty Mormon."  (Which is either a compliment to me or a dig at Mormons, not sure which...)  And then he said, "Tell your husband he is a very lucky man and if he doesn't think so, show him this and tell him you don't need him" and then he got out his wallet and handed me a $1,000,000 bill.  And that is the strangest night I have ever had at the park.

1 comment:

  1. Wait... You just became a millionaire? Just like that? Was it monopoly money? This is the strangest night in the park I almost wish I could have...
