Somehow BOTH of our alarm clocks did not go off yesterday morning. Our normal wake up call is at 5:05 am so Jacob and I can get up, eat breakfast and get him on his way to Seminary. So yesterday I just happened to open my eyes and look at the clock and see 5:27 staring back at me. (Insert mini-freakout here.) I quickly woke up Jacob, and while he took a 30 second shower and got dressed, I was able to blend up a protein shake and put some leftovers from yesterday's dinner in a container for his lunch. He came out 5 minutes later, dressed and ready. We verbally did a checklist of everything he needed to have before he left; his lesson, his lunch, and his breakfast- check, check and check! He stood there for a moment to catch his breath, looked at the clock (it was just barely 5:35), and then realizing he was completely ready with seconds to spare he looked at me and said smiling, "New alarm clock time?" Um, no. But maybe one day you can be a fireman.
The real miracle in all of this is that Jacob's lunch was the leftovers from the missionary zone conference I helped with yesterday over in Brandon. So not only did he
not miss out on lunch, it was going to be super delicious. Here is a pic of the ladies and I at the Zone Conference. There were about 65 missionaries there- about a third of them were sisters. Once again Linnley, my
BYU apron was a HUGE hit :)
And those two people next to Susie are figure skaters at Busch Gardens. We found this out after he did a back flip outside on the lawn just before loading up his car. And that is exactly what I would do if I were a professional figure skater.
I have those mornings quite regularly, however my alarm clock is Reese, who is sometimes early and sometimes late. I love that you are getting such great use from that apron. I think that is the best gift I've ever come up with.