Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do a little dance....

So here's the deal: With great blogs come great responsibility. What that has to do with Sweeneyville, I don't know. Okay, true confessions, I took a secret video of Luke last night.  We had cranked up the song "The Hampsterdance" (which is a song that Jacob and I first got to know through DJing many, many years ago), and it had a magical effect on Luke.  Usually this child does not 'dance' in any way, shape or form.  But he turned into a crazy man. Anyway, I am posting the secret video I took of this.  I have not told Luke that I did this because I don't want him to be embarrassed and think I am making fun of him.  I will save that emotion for the day of his wedding reception. For now, with great pride and a small request to not directly mention this to him in a derogatory way, I give you, Luke: my very own Lord of the Dance!  And the wrapping paper tube.


  1. I am positively shocked he was upright the way he was spinning around. Is he immune to being dizzy?! Wow, nice moves there Luke!

  2. I know I'm way behind on reading, but I must comment! This is awesome. Mad props to Luke! Though it does look like some sort of Jedi training exercise... :-)
