My brother Dave and his daughter Addie came to visit this past weekend from Friday to Sunday night. As he was packing up on Sunday afternoon he discovered that he could not find his car keys anywhere. He rented a car while here, so this meant that when he reached his car at the airport back in New Hampshire after midnight that night he would have no way to drive it home. We all started to panic and began looking everywhere for his keys; under beds, in couches, in the backyard- and then we called every place he had been in the past 48 hours- the golf pro shop, restaurants, Wal-Mart, etc. and nothing! It was not looking like his nice weekend was going to end well. Finally, we decided to say a prayer. Duh :) So we gathered everyone in the living room and knelt down to ask for help. After the prayer we all got up and began the search again. As my dad and Dave were halfway done going through the garbage cans on the side of the house, my mom came running out and said, "I found them! Something told me to look in my purse and there they were!" It was a pretty emotional moment. And pretty cool :) After we took a breather and returned to our normal holiday-enjoying selves, Dave came in the kitchen to tell my mom, "Now I can't find my wallet." This was, of course, a joke, but it was NOT funny to my mom, who I thought was going to faint right there on the spot. I think she probably lost a year off her life in that moment. Nice job, Dave!
And a few pictures from our weekend together...
I think Luke has a man crush on Uncle Dave. Here is Dave trying to find out where Luke went...
I can't wait until they live closer :)
Cool story, poor Sister Bingham. She should know her son by now though....That Dave.
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