Monday, March 11, 2013

Driving Off Into The Sunset

The saying that the only constant thing in life is change is so true.  It seems that Jacob and I have hit a season of changes.  At Christmastime Jacob finally switched schools and began teaching somewhere other than Auburndale High School.  His parents finally sold their Florida house and just got called on a mission.  Jacob's great grandpa Rufus passed away, which was the first of all his grandparents. And as of today, we sold Rocket, our beloved Honda Accord that we had for 6 years.  I don't know about you, but I get pretty attached to my cars.  I know they don't have feelings and are inanimate objects, but still, a good car is like your house- it becomes a big part of your life and holds a ton of memories.  He was the car that Cindy named after the ship in Little Einsteins, he was the car that brought Luke home from the hospital, he was the car that took us across the country on two amazing family vacations that included the Grand Canyon, 13 different temples, and crossing the Mississippi four times. He was the car that proudly displayed my Star Wars family stickers, and most importantly, he was the car that had my garage door opener in it. Dang it!  Yes, he was old and needed a new home, but I hereby declare Rocket as the newest inductee into the Sweeney Car Hall of Fame.

As sad as I am to see my old friend leave, I think this will help me move on.  

We were going to post a poll on the blog to name this new car, but I think I have already chosen it. Cindy wanted "Black Beauty", or "Tron" (as in Tron "Legacy"), Jacob thought about Kit, but then told me that "all cars are girls", which was confirmed to me by another car guy in my ward.  So in the spirit of honoring that so-called rule, that I have never heard before, I decided on Eleanor.  If you have seen the movie Gone In 60 Seconds, you will get the reference. And truth be told, ever since we drove this make and model car as a rental back in 2004, I have wanted one.  So in a way, this car is my Eleanor :)

p.s. One more change to add to the list- new computer.  Ours just kicked the bucket.  For good :(

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