Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cindy and Luke Quickies

This morning on the way to church Cindy was being a major Grumpasaurus Rex about fasting.  She asked me why we make her fast "every single Sunday."  I told her that we didn't and then I asked her, "Is there ever going to be a time when you are actually going to want to fast, anyway?"  And then she said, "Yeah...... like...... the morning after I had a gigantic dinner and I am really, really full. That would be a good Sunday to fast." My fault for asking.

Luke on the other hand was delightfully pleasant this morning.  It is incredibly cold here today and he adorably decided to wear his Christmas scarf and mismatched, giant gloves to church.  I was kind of giving him a hard time about the gloves because I don't see how they can possibly allow him to use his fingers for anything, however, Luke told me the reason he was wearing them and it was one I had not yet considered.  "Well, I am wearing these gloves because it is cold and also because I can't pick my nose when I am wearing them."  I like your thinking, young boyface.

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