Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Softball Ahoy!

Anyone else out there getting slammed by this cold/sinus infection going around?  ALL of us have it here in my house.  It is a like a crack den with all the drugs floating around in here.  And  don't get me started on the amount of facial tissues we have gone through... In the mean time, I have to report on Cindy's first softball practice last night.  I was secretly terrified that at the exact moment I was handing over my check for softball registration two weeks ago, Cindy was going to change her mind about softball and tell me she wanted to join the circus or take piccolo lessons.  But she didn't!  Last night we showed up to meet her team and I am so excited for her!  I think she is on one of the best teams.  They have FIVE coaches.  Each one was running a different station last night- hitting, fielding, base running, etc.  It was unbelievably organized.  I was pretty much speechless.  These guys are totally hardcore.  And Cindy had a great time. There are several girls on her team that all go to her school and one of them was even her reading buddy last year!  It is even more amazing luck considering that I actually forgot to take Cindy to tryouts and they called to say they would just randomly put her on a team if she was still going to play.  And not to brag, but I think the coaches were pleasantly surprised with their mystery players' abilities.  Cindy really is a good player.  Today we spent a solid half hour out in the front yard throwing the softball and her catching skills are coming along quite nicely!  She barely dropped a ball.  Takes after her mom.  Oh wait, never mind.  Dropping the ball is kind of my hobby as of late...

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