Saturday, February 2, 2013

Quickies All Around

The other day Cindy and Luke were in the front yard playing Harry Potter.  They had picked up some sticks and were using them as wands and yelling "Expecto Patronum!" at each other.  When I finally came out to watch this for myself, Cindy told me she was ready to watch the next Harry Potter movie, The Half-Blood Prince.  She asked me if it was scary and I told her that it some of it was kind of intense and some parts might be kind of frightening.  I told her that maybe she should wait a while to watch it.  She dismissed my worrying and said, "Well, in primary on Sunday, Brother Brown told us that Heavenly Father will always, always protect us, so I think I am ready to watch it."

Luke came home the other day from school telling me that they were learning about Groundhog Day and what it meant if the groundhog saw its shadow.  He very desperately told me, "I reeeeeallly hope he doesn't see his shadow, because I do NOT want 6 more weeks of winter!"  I hate to break it to you buddy, but you haven't had 6 weeks of winter in your entire life.  Heck, having 6 days of winter might even be a stretch.  But let's keep it that way, okay?

Report cards officially came out yesterday, but Cindy had tipped us off a few days back that she was bringing home a C.  I told this to Jacob so I could gauge what the punishment might be so I could prepare Cindy for what might be coming.  He told me she should be banned from Netflix for a while and should have to run a mile every day for a week.  When I told this to Cindy, the thought of all that running made her absolutely despondent.  I don't think she had stopped thinking about it all week.  However, on Friday, she got home from school and walked right in to give the report card to her dad and learn her fate.  Five minutes later she came out of the room with giant eyes.  She looked at me and said, "That. Was. AWESOME.  He said no Netflix for a week, I don't have to run a mile every day and I didn't even cry!!!"  For the record, she did bring up last report's C to an A.  She just had a B slip to a C.  However, she still managed to eek out all As and Bs for the semester average, so I am very proud of her.  She will retain her Choctaw Star Student status!

And finally, today is Groundhog Day!  And in honor of this momentous occasion I set my iPod alarm clock to wake us up this morning to "I Got You Babe" right at the 1:41 minute mark.  It was epic.  Especially when Jacob rolled over and looked at me and said, "Well, at least your sense of humor never changes." You have no idea what you got yourself into, Sweeney ;)

Plus the alarm clock was all the way across the room, so no punishment could be exacted upon it...

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