Friday, February 15, 2013

Catching Up

Last week I posted this picture on Facebook with Cindy and yet another gigantic sunflower she grew (in the shade, I might add)....

But not to be outdone, here is Luke with his....

We gave the first sunflower to Mrs. Viers (Cindy's teacher) and this one might go to Miss Paladino if it survives the holiday weekend :)

I got this Valentine yesterday from my favorite little Jedi....

Uncle Nathan commissioned Luke to paint this family portrait for him:

And he finished!

Luke just loves art, drawing, painting, cutting, crafts, etc.  
He never gets tired of them and has an incredible amount of patience.  He is the cutest :)

I am also hard at work on a top ten for you.  Top ten? What is that?  Should be finished by Saturday night.  I am headed out to Gainesville with Jacob tonight and tomorrow for a soccer tournament.  Hopefully we can find a good BBQ or Mexican food joint that we don't have here.  Traveling is all about the food, am I right?

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