Monday, January 7, 2013


Ever since we decided to put Rosa outside to live in the backyard I had a sneaking suspicion that eventually we wouldn't see her anymore.  I didn't want to speculate on just how or why that would happen, but the odds were kind of stacked against her.  For starters, she ran away constantly.  I would see the kids at the middle school bus stop trying to catch her from time to time and to be honest I am not even sure that bunnies are really supposed to just live outside in your backyard.  Plus, Cindy was not the super stellar rabbit caretaker I hoped she would be.  Sadly, we have now not seen Rosa in over 4 weeks.  Usually she shows up after a few days of being MIA and I overload her with fresh produce and affection, but I think that after this long I can finally declare that Rosa has officially gone to live with Snow White.  Farewell to our fluffy friend ♥

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