Friday, January 25, 2013

Don't Stop The Party

Still alive, but still adjusting a little to being a mom who also gets a paycheck.  I would say "working mom" but all moms work and that would just be redundant ;)  Anyway, so far I love my job!  It's great hours, the people I work with are great, it's not too stressful, and it's different every day.  And do you want to know the best part?  Our office shares a parking lot with a daycare center that has the best name in the recorded history of daycare centers.  It's called "Pierre's Kiddieland."  Oui, oui! That is ten pounds of awesome in a five pound sack, right there.

Today also officially starts off my Birthday Semana de la Fiesta Espectacular!  I got a hot date with Jacob after school today and will hopefully show you the fruits of our escapades sometime tomorrow.  I have decided that during your birthday week you are allowed all of you favorite things- food, clothes, movies, indulgences,  whatever you want.  No more saving things for a special occasion! If you love it, you can have it.  Will I be  drinking copious amounts of Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper from gold-rimmed champagne glasses this week?  Heck yes.  Will I have a Psych marathon of my top 6 most favorite episodes? Affirmative. Will I create a new Spotify playlist called "Caution: This List is Too Awesome!" and put all my favorite songs on it and listen to it while I eat macaroni and cheese?  Aye, Aye Captain!  Will I get an Oreo shake AND cookie from Chik-fil-A in the same order?  Right after I run 6 miles!  Yep, birthdays are meant for giving yourself permission to be ridiculous.  So bring on the absurdity!  You only turn 34 once, after all :)

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