Saturday, November 17, 2012

Trophy Daughter

A trophy just makes everything right with the world.
Softball is now officially over!  Cindy had her last game and got her trophy on Thursday night.  I am really, really, REALLY proud of her for giving such a good effort and making it through the season with very little drama.  I dreaded that this would become a huge mistake and halfway through she would start complaining and saying things like, "Do I have to go to softball again?"  But she never did.  And wouldn't you know that right after all this was over on Thursday night she looked at me and said, "I want to play Spring ball!"

On the outside I was like:


But on the inside I was like:

image from here

Okay, talk to me in March after a few weeks of spending most nights out at the ballpark and I might be singing a different tune, but still, I am just excited she doesn't hate my idea of playing softball!  This is huge :)

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