Thursday, November 15, 2012

2012: A Lunch Oddity

For those of you that didn't know, I had a job interview this past Tuesday.  And this interview was for a position as a school "Food Nutrition Assistant."  Wait a minute, let me just run that little phrase through my handy dandy universal translator that I happen to have right here....beep..boop...deee-lop...zing...(actual noises)... Oh, yes, that is uppity speak for "Lunch Lady."  Yep, I have conceded the search for a job that will pay something reasonable and have set my sights on minimum wage glory!  Not to say that being a lunch lady is not a fine job, after all it does provide benefits, holidays and summers off and allows me to be with the kids and Jacob at all the right times.  However, I have come to realize that working with the school board is not the pleasantly efficient, lightning-fast experience I was hoping for.  I have been waiting since mid-October just for this pre-screening interview and at the end of the very weird interview I was told to be on the lookout for a "letter that will come in the mail to explain what happens next."  I'm not quite sure what a "letter that comes in the mail" actually is, but if you are wondering why the interview was weird, well...

First off, I was interviewed by these two:

Interviewer #2

Interviewer #1

Secondly, usually when I tell someone about being my job experience as a mobile DJ, I get a smile or at least a "That's very interesting" sort of reaction.  I think these two misunderstood me and thought I said that I have a job on the weekends where I dig up caskets from the ground.  They were not impressed in any way shape or form.  In fact, I think they highly disapproved of a profession that involves "having fun."

Furthermore, as the interview progressed they seemed quite put off by my lack of  "food service experience."  This was, of course, after I told them that not only do I have a 4-year college degree but I also can lift over 25 lbs, work without air conditioning AND can stand for more than 4 hours.  Do you hear that horn tooting? Yes, that was my own.  And what was even worse is that they had a copy of my originally submitted generic school board application, (which I completed initially when applying only for several paraprofessional jobs) and on that application I listed my interest in Food Service as a "Level 0."  That was an awkward moment.

Anyway, so here I sit. Waiting. For the mailman??  On the bright side, even if I was currently a lunch lady, I would have all next week off with Jacob and the kids, so I am just going to pretend that that my hairnet and scrubs are hung in the closet and will be waiting for me after the holidays :)

1 comment:

  1. Hoping and Praying for some good news. But Man, those sound like some crazy boring ladies.
