Monday, October 29, 2012

A Luke Quickie

Yesterday the weather was getting a tad chilly (you know, 71 degrees) so we decided to have a fire to kill some time and burn off some more of the leaves from our yard.  After a few hours and as the fire died down, I commanded the kids to not throw anything else into the fire so that it would start to go out.  The kids were bummed, but then they told me they were going to make their own 'pretend' fire.  Cindy piled up some leaves and then, in order to make the 'fire', Luke took a stick, placed one end on of it on his thigh, and then proceeded to roll the stick quickly between his palms.  Then I overheard this:

Cindy:  "What are you doing?
Luke:  "Making some fire."
Cindy:  "On your shorts?"
Luke:  "Yeah cause Ernest told the kids at camp that this is how you make fire."
Cindy:  "Ugh.  Ernest is not even a smart guy."
Luke:  "Ohhhhh."

I tell this for two reasons: 1. Because it's funny and 2. because I know when my mom read this she did a giant groan when the name Ernest was brought up.  Ernest is her favorite :)

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