Friday, October 5, 2012

A Luke Quickie and a Top Ten? Fridays are Incredible!

Yesterday while it was raining quite heavily outside I began to sing the chorus of "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock."  The kids happily joined in and sang, "The rains came down and the floods came up, the rains came down..." etc.  Then after we ended the song Luke asked me, "What are flugs, anyway?"  Apparently all this time he's been singing "The rains came down and the flugs came up."  But, I am happy to report that now the song makes a lot more sense to Luke.  And Cindy's game was indeed cancelled last night due to all the flugging at the fields :(  We'll try again next Tuesday.

And now I present your top ten:   (Oh come on, you saw this one coming a MILE away...)


10.  Couldn't hear the moderator over the sound of Romney's awesomeness
9.  Jealous of Joe Biden always getting to be "The Really Stupid One"
8.  Was doing research for an upcoming movie role where he plays a pinata
7.  He put his debate notes with his birth certificate
6.  "Romney was using facts and figures and big words and stuff!"
5.  He always performs poorly during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot
4.  The debate took place in a location completely foreign to him- the real world
3.  He spent the previous evening with the Cleveland Browns
2.  Thought it was a roast on Comedy Central
1.  He sucks big time

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