Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sweeney Quickies

The other day I heard the kids in the backseat of the car talking about centipedes.  To join the conversation I casually said, "Did you know that centipedes have 100 legs?"  They were astounded at this news.  I told them it was true because "centi" means one hundred.  Then Luke asked, "What does 'pede' mean?"  To which I answered "It means you wet your pants."  And now this is a joke that will never die.

Tonight we were reading an Old Testament story for family scripture study.  It was about Elijah and the priests of Baal.  After we read the story, Jacob was summing up.  He said, "So after Elijah got his sacrifice to burn, everyone started to listen to Elijah and the wicked priests of Baal were..."   He was going to say "killed" but Cindy cut in to finish with "jerks" instead.   Well, they kinda were.

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