Monday, September 24, 2012

Pep Talk

I thoroughly enjoyed the talk that Luke's t-ball coach gave after the game tonight.  It went something like this...

"Great job, guys! You did good.  What do we need to work on, though?  First, STAYING ON YOUR FEET.  Right?  Remember to stay on your feet!  And second, what hand do we use to pick up a ball that is on the ground and not rolling?  The hand not wearing the glove!  So let's remember those two things for Friday, okay?"

Luke is terribly guilty of the first offense.  Tonight he was playing 3rd base and every time the ball was hit he would ignore the ball, tag third base and then run and slide into home plate.  And he also made some sweet grass angels.  But hey, it wasn't as bad as the girl from the other team playing 2nd base who was twirling in a circle and covering her face with her hat.  In the immortal words of Esqueleto, "I think they're ready to go pro!"

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