Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Luke Quickie

Just have to brag about Cindy for one quick second.  Tonight was her first softball "game" and she did great!  She played catcher, which I am sure is a position given to her based on her ability to throw the ball farther than anyone else on the team.  I knew she had a good arm!  She was also the only girl on her team to hit the ball and get on base :)  Way to go Cindy!

Meanwhile, back at the dinner table...

Luke:  Well there is one guy in my class that's cool. Austin.
Dad: Why is he cool?
Luke: Because he looks like he does science.  And he does!
Me:  Why does he look like he does science?
Luke:  He wears these glasses....

Ironic also because occasionally last year Cindy would wear fake glasses to school and that teacher has called her "my little scientist" ever since.    So I guess it's time to confess that by day I am a regular old supermom, but by night, I am actually a scientist.


  1. Nathan does Science. Does that mean he's cool?? Cindy totally rocked her game!

  2. Congrats to Cindy! Softball gave me so much, I love it! Wow, my little guy who wears glasses loves art and dancing. Does that make him cool still? lol
