Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's Elective Reading

Just to start out, I want to properly blog the fact that in 8th grade at Bartow Middle School I somehow did not register for my elective class in time and the only class left to take in the entire school was wood shop.  The universe was obviously playing a hilarious practical joke one me.  But I really had to take it, so I was the ONLY girl in a class full of Bartow's finest male hoodlums and thugs.  Not a single other student actually made anything all year long, but the creepy shop teacher knew that I, being a straight-A student, would need to actually earn a good grade so he gave me the plans to make a small rocking horse, whose feet actually clopped on wood when you rocked it back and forth.  And let me tell you, that horse was probably the most amazing wood craft that had ever been created in wood shop for over two decades.  I gave it to my mom as a present and she was stunned.  My sanding and staining skills were LE-GIT!  I think she still has that horse somewhere...Probably in the shrine she built to my awesomeness.  Anyway, that was also the year I learned how much I love the smell of fresh sawdust.  Yankee Candle, consider yourself challenged.  So to anyone out there in school, don't wait to register for your electives.  Or you just might end up in wood shop.  Or worse...


10.  Scorpion Husbandry
9.  Introduction to Brangelina
8.  Critical  Blinking
7.  History of the Teleprompter  (formerly Student Government, Chicago schools only)
6.  Extremely Uncivil Engineering
5.  Spongebob's Impact on the Russian Economy
4.  Hotel Carpet Theory
3.  Farmville Math
2.  Foundations of Gambling
1.  Sporkology

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