Friday, August 10, 2012

Cindy Quickies

I have been surprised by some of the funny observations of my kids over the past few weeks as we have watched the Olympics together.  Here are a few from Cindy:

This one actually occurred before the Olympics.  We were telling Cindy about diving.  I think we saw the end of the US Trials on TV one day, so we pulled up some YouTube videos to show her some more cool dives and she seemed to get really excited about diving.  She even began to talk about taking diving lessons so she could go to the Olympics.  Then, as we watched the last few videos, she began to squint and look closely at the screen.  Then she asked, "Wait, are they allowed to plug their noses when they dive?" And then reality set in. "Oh. No.  They can't.  Well, I guess I can't really do diving in the Olympics."  SO close!

The other day when we went swimming, Cindy was very excited to get in the water.  Even more so than usual and I finally figured out why when she told me, "I have to try this new way of doing handstands that the Chinese divers taught me!"  No word on the results...

And finally, the other night Jacob, Cindy and I watched Alyson Felix win the gold medal in the 200m sprint.  Cindy watched with a lot of interest.  At the end of the race she said, "Well, I was just wondering if I tried out and got on that team, would it be okay with you guys if I wore that outfit, because it seems that that is pretty much the only thing I would be allowed to wear..."  Oh, Cindy. You get the gold medal for being so cute :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha oh Cindy!!She can become a manly looking swimmer and wear a nose plug, and she'd still be partially modest :) As for the track outfit, one day she will learn how hard she's have to work to get that gold with all the amazing black girls that have serious awesomeness... and the outfit are actually kinds comfy....;)
