Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Baby Steps to Back to School

Today was orientation for the kids at school and let me tell you, that is an adventure!  Fill out the forms, buy the agendas, meet the teachers, join the PTO, lunch accounts, buy a recorder- it's not just a quick drop in visit.  Cindy seems to have a great teacher and only one kid from her class last year.  Pretty sure that McKeel does that on purpose because it seems that way every single year.  Most interesting thing the teacher said:  "I also let the kids sit on yoga balls instead of sitting in chairs, so if you want to buy one for your child that is fine."  Can you imagine having been able to sit on a yoga ball when you were in school!??!?  Wow, that is one brave woman if you ask me.  Luke did great meeting his teacher. The little super genius girl that could already read chapter books from his VPK class is sitting right next to him and his other friend Maddox from VPK is also in the class.  I was quick to tell his teacher that Luke is a sheep, so don't let him sit by anyone of questionable character.  I think she appreciated that tidbit of information.  So that makes tomorrow the last day of actual summer for the kids and school starts on Thursday!  I am actively looking for part-time employment, but the first week of school I think I want to stay home and deep clean and organize the house with all the free hours I will have each day.  Especially since no one will be around to undo everything I am doing while I am a doing it :)   Stay tuned for the all important "First Day of School" photos! 

A Cindy Quickie

This morning Cindy decided to go with me to my circuit training class.  She actually did all 7 exercises with me the first go round, but by the second go round, she was losing steam.  So while I lay on the yoga mat doing excruciating Fifer scissors, Cindy sat next to me and daydreamed.  Finally I said, "Well, if you aren't going to do the exercises then at least be my coach and say happy things to me!"  To which she happily said, "Armadillos!!"  I laughed out loud, but I still am not sure why that was the first happy thing that came to her mind....

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